Points of Entry – How Mice find holes and weak spots to enter in your home – Rid-O-Mice

https://ridofmice.net Rid-O-Mice

Find the points of entry for mice and seal them up. Get Rid Of Mice.

This is a tough but not impossible task. Mice can enter tiny spaces no wider than the width of their nose so 1/4 inch. If their nose can fit so can the rest of their head and body.

You need to complete a full inspection of the exterior of your home from foundation to top of roof.

There are common entry points to deal with right away:

1. Weep holes are the most common – properly fill them with Rid-O-Mice Stainless Steel Weep hole covers.

2. Where utility pipes and vents breach your wall. These pipes usually have gaps in the wall around them that mice easily walk through. Grab wire pads that you can stuff in the spaces and seal with caulking.

3. Seal other cracks and cover open holes with wall plates where possible.

4. Ensure door frames, window frames are not compromised including how the garage door closes.

5. Seal the gap between the brick and the soffit and facia of your home. Mice run up the side of wall and poke right into your house this way. This is also common for bats so be sure to take this preventative measure.

There are many more tips at our website for do it yourself pest control and diy mouse removal were you can also search for a pest removal professional in your area.


5 ways mice get in naturally – https://www.wikihow.com/Get-Rid-of-Mice-Naturally

Weep Holes – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weep

3 Ways to get a mouse out of the house: https://www.wikihow.com/Get-a-Mouse-Out-of-the-House

Post time: Jun-26-2017
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