Refinishing floors | Tecate Paver Restoration and Best Sealer for Exterior Tile

We refinished and restored indoor tecate Mexican pavers as well as cleaned and replaced tile on an outdoor patio.

A lot of people tend to use shiny glossy sealer for outdoor pavers but this is an absolutely basd idea for a few reasons.

1. When these tiles get wet they will be extremely slippery and could land you a hospital bill

2.The elements like weather and rain, sun bleaching, etc will cause these glossy acrylic water based sealers to fail, blister and peel.

3. They will effloresce and turn white and hazy

So what is the BEST sealer for outdoor tiles, mexican tile, and saltillo pavers? Watch the whole video till the end to find out.

Other floor refinishing companies will tell you to sand your tecate pavers or bead blast them but people, there is another way!! Do not settle for 2nd rate work and my DIY’ers out there do not skip the detail otherwise what is the point?

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Post time: Jun-26-2018
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